Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays

To our JoyFul tiny tigers and kids,
whose kicks and goals reach higher every day.

To our Inspired Leadership students, for working extremely hard in our leadership program. It’s amazing to see their progress and growth.

To our Devoted Parents, who choose to prioritize capoeira in their busy schedules, greet our staff with a smile, and who partner with us for their children’s success. 

To our Determined Teens & Adult students, who cheer one another on as they discover new levels of physical skill, mental focus, and emotional strength.

To our Dedicated Graduados, Instructors, Professores who lead by example, continue to strive for excellence, and are humble to help those who are just beginning. 

To our Passionate Mestres; Mestre Fran, Mestra Sara, Mestre Tito and Mestranda Dani, for not only teaching capoeira, but transforming lives through the art form.  

We are so grateful to all the incredible people and experiences this past year has brought us here at Maculele-Capoeira. How much our students have grown this year as capoeiristas, artists, and people. How wonderful it has been to welcome so many new families and students to our academy. December brings us all incredible amounts of joy, and reminds us of just how much we appreciate our time with you. We are so incredibly thankful for the support  your family has shown us during this year!

Thank you for another incredible year of commitment and encouragement!

We are honored that you have chosen our family, and continue to support our family business, and we can’t wait to provide you with even more great experiences in 2024!

Once again, from our family to yours, Merry Christmas and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!