Brazilian Arts Center
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Maculele-Capoeira Brazilian Festival
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Birthday Party Waiver Digital Form
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Birthday Party Waiver Digital Form
Birthday Party Waiver
Child's Name
Parents Name
Waiver and Release of Liability
I hereby hereby acknowledge and understand that Capoeira/Martial Arts is a physical activity and learning self-defense skills involves some physical contact. Capoeira Decatur/Brazilian Art Center or its staff and students are not to be held liable or responsible for any risks and/or injuries as a result of training Capoeira/Marital Arts.The people stated above hereby hold Capoeira Decatur/Brazilian Art Center, its successors, assigns, owners, officers, directors, employees, and agents harmless from all claims which may be brought against them by the people stated in this contract, student or on student's behalf for any such injuries or claims and do hereby forever release and discharge Capoeira Decatur/Brazilian Art Center, its successors, assigns, owners, officers, directors, employees, and agents from all claims, demands, injuries, damages, actions, losses and expenses. *PARENT/ GUARDIAN CONSENT: The above said person is the legal parent or guardian of the student participating in this introductory. The above person consents to the student participating In the classes/ training and are aware of the risks involved in such participation.
Video, Photo, and Image Release
The Agreement gives MACULELE CAPOEIRA (Brazilian Art Center) the exclusive rights and permissions to use all media captured on the Facility premises. Such information may be used for any and all purposes including but not limited to publication in both printed and electronic media, internet, websites, advertisement, and other promotional uses.
I agree to the privacy policy.